George Miller’s Film Lorenzo’s Oil Reaction Paper


George Miller’s Film Lorenzo’s Oil Reaction Paper

George Miller’s film “Lorenzo’s Oil” demonstrates the vital importance of extensive research. If you do not conduct proper research you will never gather enough information to make smart decisions. The moving film is about a little boy named Lorenzo Odone and his two parents Michaela and Augusto Odone who conduct a relentless search for a cure for their son’s Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) through extensive research. The Odones found their so prognosis unacceptable and amazingly, they did something to change it.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Odone set out to educate themselves to tackle a complex medical mystery, and take on the slow-moving medical establishment in the process. On their own, they undertook the job of determining what, if anything, would keep their son alive.

This film discovers a different kind of courage than the quality that is usually displayed on drama movies. “Lorenzo’s Oil” is not the sentimental television-movie version of such a tale. There are no false miracle and no self-congratulatory triumphs.

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