Soliloquy and Figures of Speech in Romeo and Juliet, Part 4 Eng 2 answer keys

Romeo And Juliet

Soliloquy and Figures of Speech in Romeo and Juliet, Part 4 Eng 2 answer keys

Romeo: A most courteous exposition.

Mercutio: Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy.

How does the wordplay in these lines affect the mood?

It creates a mischievous mood as Mercutio and Romeo banter about Romeo’s disappearance.

Mercutio: Why that same pale hard-hearted wench, that Rosaline,Torments him so, that he will sure run mad.

Benvolio: Tybalt, the kinsman of old Capulet,Hath sent a letter to his father’s house.

Which plot detail adds to the suspenseful mood?

Rosaline is the source of Romeo’s pain.

Here is for thy pains.

Nurse: No, truly, sir; not a penny.

Romeo: Go to; I say, you shall.

Nurse: This afternoon, sir? well, she shall be there.

Which plot detail adds to the mood of anticipation?

Which plot detail adds to the mood of anticipation?

Nurse refuses to take money from Romeo.

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